Tag: sticker

How to use stickers as marketing tools?

How to use stickers as marketing tools?

Have you read about using custom stickers in your marketing & want to know more? Or are you searching for new ways to grow your company's sales? This article will explain why you should consider using custom stickers as part of your marketing strategy. We'll also give you some ideas on how to include them, so it's easy to get started. Ready? Great - let's get stuck in! Firstly, why stickers? Here are the top 3 reasons custom stickers are a must-have in your marketing: They don't cost a lot: Everyone want's to lower costs. Lower costs equal lower risk and easier to get started, test, and iterate. Importantly, lower costs also make it easy to get a higher return on investments, which we're looking for in our marketing! They are seen as a gift: Giving your customers or so...