How To Nail A Virtual Date?

Virtual dating may not work for everyone since some individuals may be nervous about talking to strangers on the internet. Isn’t it true that it’s not as simple as it sounds?. If you genuinely want to meet someone special and bond with them but don’t know how to nail off a virtual date, here is the place to be. As a result, we’ve compiled some pointers to help you nail a virtual date in this post. With social seclusion and self-isolation in place, now is the time to be creative with your dating life. Virtual dates through Zoom, FaceTime, and Skype are fast becoming the “new normal,” and they’re an excellent way to meet someone before meeting in person.

How To Nail A Virtual Date?

Here are some tips for you to nail your virtual date with a special someone.

1. Chose the best backdrop

Choose the Best Backdrop

The atmosphere of a bar or restaurant can establish the tone for a date, and it is just as essential when it comes to virtual dates. Choose a clean, well-lit, and well-decorated location, and avoid aiming the camera at your bathroom or a pile of dirty laundry. Make a concerted effort for the virtual date.

2. Position your laptop at eye level

Set your computer at eye level, stack it on books if necessary to avoid double chins or unattractive angles. It’s more flattering than staring up at your chin or down on top of your head.

3. Find the best lighting

Find the Best Lighting

Face outwards towards a window if you’re speaking during the day to obtain beautiful natural light. If you’re meeting in the evening, place a lamp behind the screen to provide adequate lighting. When zooming, don’t forget to use their “touch up my look” preset!.

4. Perform a video and sound check

For a better virtual dating experience, it is preferable to complete an audio and video check. This will allow you to preview how you’ll seem on camera, practice your facial expressions and grins, and ensure that the date goes as smoothly as possible.

5. Get dressed up

Get Dressed Up

Prepare yourself as if you were going on a date. You may feel like you’ve been living in your sweatpants and yoga pants for eternity, but dressing up a little can put you in the appropriate attitude and make the entire experience feel more special and like an actual date.

6. Gather some munchies and prepare your favorite drink

Grab your favorite snacks and a cocktail, mocktail, or tea to make it feel more like an actual date; it will also provide you with something to do with your hands if you are worried.

7. Have a good time

Don’t allow the COVID talk to take over the conversation. You want the other person to leave feeling pleased and enthusiastic, so select topics that are uplifting and enjoyable, such as your trips, passions, the last podcast you listened to, or a book you recently read.


To summarise, while a video call date may not be the same as an in-person date, it can still be a fun way to spend time together, and there are numerous advantages to slowly getting to know someone. Make the most of this opportunity, and if you connect, there’s a high chance you’ll be enjoying their company in person very soon.

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